Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Army Soldier

This is Omegar Velez,his reason for joining for the Army was to be patriotic after 9/11 attacks and to experience something new.He joined the Army at the age of 18.He enlisted for 8 years,4 active and 4 inactive.His training lasted for about 1 year,his basic training lasted for 9 weeks and his AI team for 10 months.He worked for the Delta Company 3/58 Aviation;he was part of the Communication and Electronics Unit or C&E within the company in which he fixed any communication or radars for the Air Traffic Control. He was stationed at Grafenwoehr,Germany just 45 minutes away from the major city of Nurberg.He was not in a combat zone but could of been called if any 4 members from that company serving in Iraq were injured.His discharged status was an Honorary discharge.

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